Friday, July 20, 2007

Ying & Yang-reviews are coming in

ying and yang

Hola J&F! You have put a great spell on me. Every time I hear your music something very spiritual enters me and I am swept away into another dimension. This is far from "earthly" music. It is an experience of the universe...and I have been captured and recaptured time after time. There is magic in your musical journeys that I haven't found anywhere else. I also have never heard anything so balanced in opposite emotions! They seem to float side by side, sometimes intertwining and weaving their way through the very core of my being. There is no darkness without light. There is no joy without sorrow. They would not be recognized... And we would not see the difference. I am still amazed how you have combined the yin and yang of the universe and how powerful it is. You have succeeded in doing something no one else I know has done to this extent and depth!
My upmost respect, Maria Claire,
Safed, Israel

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